The Evans trail is an old access hiking trail to Valhalla Park that runs north from Slocan City up the west shore of Slocan lake. It is a 10km out and back trail that is too surreal to appreciate unless you go yourself and check it out. I was planning this run for Friday, since I always like being in the mountains for my birthday, but the torrential rain that day gave me enough of an excuse to postpone it a day.

The photo above shows the view looking back from the turn around. We followed the shoreline on the right all the way down as far as you can see to the end of the lake.

Knowing that it is only days away from full on winter and ski touring, I enjoyed the last days of warmth and sunshine.

The trail was not strenuous in an aerobic sense, but definitely required fancy footwork as you needed to focus at all times hopping over logs, rocks and slimy roots.

All in all it took 2:45 for the run. It hurt more from smiling every minute of that run than it did on my was way too much fun!